Parent Voice
The aim of the parent voice meetings is to be able to invite and hear views from the parent body around specific areas of the school life.
Each time there is a meeting, we will send out in advance details of what is going to be discussed.
The meetings will only last one hour and will be an opportunity to build stronger links between home and the school.
Some items that were discussed last year included: the introduction of Houses, the School Uniform, parent involvement in school life, enrichment opportunities for the children as well as RE & Collective Worship.
Following each meeting, Miss Haswell sends out minutes of the meeting as well as any questions that were raised some suggested solutions.
Parent Voice - 12th October 2021
Our first Parent Voice meetings for this year were held on Tuesday 12th October.
The agenda for Parent Voice this half term was:
- Curriculum
- Volunteering
- Enrichment opportunities - clubs, visits and visitors
Please see the slides below which were shared at the meeting.
Please see the minutes which were sent out following the meetings below:
Parent Voice minutes - October 2021
Our next Parent Voice meetings will be held on Tuesday 7th December. Please contact Mrs Flett via the school office if you have any suggestions for the agenda.